MaxComf Extraction Forceps Set


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Set of 10 forceps with specialized beaks used for maximized grip and deep penetration into the socket for safe extraction.

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The MaxComf Forceps are up to 25 percent lighter than other forceps and also provide the design of small forceps with the grip of large forceps. The MaxComf forceps have specialized beaks that are for maximized grip and deep penetration into the socket for safe extraction.They also have a deep, aggressive serration pattern with horizontal and parallel serrations.

The MaxComf Forceps come in standard stainless steel with a non-reflective blue finish that provides a coating for high-caliber durability and they are easy to clean.

Extraction kit include:

OR-2685/1BC Upper centrals & canines
OR-2685/7BC Upper premolars
OR-268513BC Lower Premolars either side
OR-2685/17BC Upper Molars Right
OR-2685/18BC Upper Molars Left
OR-2685/22BC Lower Molars
OR-2685/33ABC Lower Roots
OR-2685/51A-BC Upper Roots
OR-2685/67A-BC Upper Third Molars & Upper Wisdom either side
OR-2685/79BC Lower Third Molars

Unicorp Instruments Inc. reserves the right to substitute items at any time, based on availability.


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